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Self-Medicating Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

Take care of your body by staying active. Exercise is a powerful way to rebuild your body in recovery and a healthy coping skill. It’s a way to care for yourself by committing to a practice that releases positive, mood-enhancing endorphins and alleviates stress. Finding a new activity and hobby drinking out of boredom such as working out can provide something to look forward to each day. Find a support group and make contact with them regularly. This consistent connection will help foster healthy relationships in recovery with people who can support you and what you’re going through in the present moment.

But you will be amazed by how many things that you have spent time and money on for years are, in the cold light of sobriety, rubbish. Forming healthy connections with other people is an important of this process. It’s one of the many ways you will relearn how to enjoy life again without alcohol. Let’s address another reason life without alcohol feels boring.

How Quickly Does The Liver Heal After You Quit Drinking?

Dealing with monotony and underlying mental health issues typically requires self-awareness and outside assistance through various forms of therapy addressing underlying conditions. Whether it’s old-school Nintendo or you’ve somehow secured a PS5, break out the controller and get gaming. This is a great hobby to do solo, or hop online and connect with friends and new people! Here are some game suggestions for mindful play. If you start your journey feeling deprived, you’re much more likely to experience boredom. In this post, we’re going to uncover some truths about mindset, alcohol, and how to overcome boredom after quitting drinking.

Why am I so boring when I’m sober?

So why is it individuals in recovery, especially newly sober ones, associate sobriety with boredom? Author Chelsey Flood, herself a sober alcoholic, believes it's for a number of reasons: “You are used to being able to change your mood in seconds. Alcohol makes you feel good immediately after you drink it.

Your friends are out getting drunk, the same as they always do. On the one hand, you have no idea what you’re supposed to do with yourself. A lot of people don’t feel good when they first get sober, so it’s totally understandable if your feelings are all over the place. When I was a heavy drinker, everything involved alcohol.

Year Sober

Instead of drinking alcohol, consider visiting recreational or community center in your neighborhood or taking up a new hobby. Don’t drink or use drugs with your loved one or argue about their substance use when they’re impaired. Instead, fill the time you spend together with fun, healthy activities and hobbies that don’t involve drinking or drug use. When you use alcohol or drugs in this way to manage symptoms of a mental health issue, it’s known as “self-medicating”.

bored without alcohol

If you need a medical diagnosis and treatment plan, you are advised to speak to a doctor or suitable medical professional. Helping business-owners and professionals get control of their drinking. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Through coaching others, I have found that making time for important activities is one of the big bottlenecks. However, if you are able to schedule your time, it can be a game-changer.

How To Stop Being Bored After Stopping Drinking

Reality shows are designed to keep you watching, which can be a boon for a bored brain.2. Watch a classic movie you’ve never seen. It’s time to finally check out what Casablanca is all about.3.

Not exactly, but it can make you feel better, which has a ripple effect on whether or not you enjoy your life. Fried and overly sugary foods will also artificially spike your dopamine levels and cause your brain to overcorrect, leaving you feeling irritable, depressed, and cranky. These are all things you’re trying to overcome from drinking. One of the best things you can do for yourself when you’re feeling bored in sobriety is to find a way to serve others.